Monday, February 4, 2019

The Separation Of the Black Families

In the USA its all races represented in our nation
when they lied to the people saying it was also Black slaves masters
in all the white history books
they had all the house & field Niggas shook!
Negro's are number one in sacrifices check the count!
its like that lie they told about how Africans sold they own into white slavery
they know if you cut the head off they body is dead they aim for kings
they lock up rooks check mate when woman got their voting rights
that didn't mean Black woman
they kill our leaders then infiltrated all our tribes to disymbol all our gains
they gave our a lawsuit so they can commit treason against the black kings
so they end up uninsured and on EBT
so they had a child with a black man just to sue him for child support
turn on the father just for section 8
they took us both to the hanging court
if they own the property n they know what you can afford
you cant get the residents
why would you play checkers on a chess board so the war on drugs is really
they way to collect prisoners of civil war
targeting the head Negros so your loyal but your child's father locked up
and you do what yo do for your kids
that's why trump want a wall between us in the mexicans CVS pay their taxes
n el Chapo fly them in!
@Pistol Pete Tampa 

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