Wednesday, February 20, 2019

P.O.W Prisoner of Civil War

Prisoner or is it POW? also known as an  detainee) is a person who is deprived of liberty against his or her will
or is it slave or is it Inmate?
Note : words are the most Important if communication is Essential !!! To survival 

Tell me How can you hide from the truth?
when the truth sets you Free from bondage! 
Go ask some real Negus about me @petetampa On Twitter 
how you don't know who's the real aboriginals is!
I'm just like damn you didn't even know this  
who are the real indigenous people in America or Africa
God made sure the devil could never truly defeat us Brother 
deep in mankind we have always existed in every single essence! 
I'm in Tampa the old new Spain in the old village my close friends 
we are a new nation this generation like the black Seminole Indians
I'm ranking up in my class My people see real results 
high captain n chief in the deep dirty down south east 
see its my way to express black n white yet naturally beautiful 
like a mulatto more chocolate on the outside complexion
white cream inside in the middle like a Oreo god is my hero  
oh you didn't know that kings attract Queens
she want her lover to be her hearts hero 
I always stand up in that love drillin down 
Ill go crazy n catch that body! lover@! 

El Pistola (peter) Pedro me n my main Moreno's 
The same color copper
my migo you can save your two cents
then about face like lincoln on the penny 
low currency the real presidential 
they gonna put the creamer n your coffee unless u demand black 
m mother gave me my Medellin 
my father Afro Latino 
my 1st son birthright prince to be king 
united like the US military new israel 
we are the natives born in citizens 
America-no-Trump but remember the #NAACP 
stand for the national advancement of colored people not just a negro 
Black lives matter or the black liberation movement BLM 
now you see why trump doesn't appreciate black americans not even the souljas 
don't be blinded by the police flashlight 
they mad because even at the beach 
They got sun damage with the Rays UV's
@Gutta Street Gang ent.
follow me

The European Anglo-Saxon armies invaded every continent known to man
but in america King James the 1st n the 5th was man of color influenced by
catholic roman priest but king james was also responsible for the translation
of the bible to english and the international slave trade n the founder of the USA
UK being our Parent Nation the Willie lynch reading state the treatment to turn
negros into slaves before the american revolution war and the declaration of
independence or the US constitution they war motto was enslave all prisoners of war
in cells or dungeon the 1st real president was a man of color John Hanson
 in the 1st 
Congress but the 1st commander n chief was acknowledge as
George washington a british employee who was a slave master at the age 9 plantation owner turn
a US army general with the inside battle information from his prior generation family predecessors 
he was able to mount a comeback but the freedom from debt n taxes is what they were fighting for n they fought for land ownership with only 13 states at that Time in 1776 USA declared their independence from The UK but with only a little over 10 percent of the states then we have now all along the east coast and Florida was owned by Spain at the time and France holding territory from new Orleans to north Dakota so over 10 year after the start of the nation then they name the President in the late 1780's and his vice president John Adams who you can see John Hanson
on the 1st real president then we also have the 3rd recognized President Thomas Jefferson the man who drafted the declaration of independence that received the support being that all persons there were slave owners with men they enslaved documenting their financial freedom from there home country or continent UK or Europe that fight was over money the civil war was a fight over money and the UK civil war was ended by the beheading of the the king Charles king James's Succusser son the USA war department was the parent company to the DOD department of defense

a division of the war department was the US colored troops of America and with a total of 15 pro slavery Presidents and administration before the civil war and president abraham lincoln they where making slighting deals to hinder our freedoms the Union army defeated the Confederate army and granted freedom with no compensation and now we have taxation
with no representation but that's just like that lie they told us to trick the colored non white community like 40 aches n a mule! during america building and creation the europeans seen value and asian imported hemp so it was a confuser and cash crop but was really useful as rope on all ships paper like what the constitution was writing on hemp paper and medicine and was used as currency until the 1930's with the government project reefer madness showing high killings suicide
and rapes on canibass and it was outlaw because black entertainers used it to deal with pain and creative uses like indians pow wowing but that decade before the white people n moon shiners won with the prohibition also note the currency in london use to be "Pounds!"
Pistol Pete tampa Bay - Dr . MLK JR. @Youtube @

Pistol pete est 1988 - SOul! #FDT @Youtube @

Pistol Pete [@Tampa Bay] - I'ma Beast! @Youtube @

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